Change Log of Poly_Net_NG: -------------------------- v1.47 (13.03.2009) Fix: Button prefs crash when Nlist not present! Add: Transparency for bar on 3D desktop (MOS 2.x) Frames & background may need to be cleared (no frame/ black backgound) for display correctly Fix: Pop window auto postion (should not jump when open after a reboot v1.46 (11.03.2009) Fix: drop MOS2.x application isn't add to bar v1.45 (29.12.2007) Fix: context menu title for button and bar broken on last mui v1.44 (19.04.2007) Add: clone button Change: button context menu order (more logical) v1.43 (30.12.2006) Fix: offscreen pop window when use offscreen window move v1.42 fix crash when no ttengine and no default images. add requester for inform that there is no ttengine! fix now quit if close app prefs without any bar created. v1.41 fix pointer not restored in process struct v1.40 fix text shadow that now react logicaly v1.39 change bar prefs layout again :) change dragbar add/remove code (fix wrong columns change) fix save all button don't save all bar state... v1.38 fix catalog/translations fix default ttf font for bar v1.37 fix default bar name add drop mark for button move v1.36 fix bar layout & pop bar positionning add/change space between icons are now set by left & top frame spacing set default frame for bar and dragbar at creation v1.35 add little optimisations and remove unused data v1.34 fix drag bar size for adjust to frame :) fix invalid drag bar file don't hide dragbar anymore v1.33 now MUI 4 needed. remove bwin mcc for bar display. add support for frame for eatch bar. add prefs for adjust position of dragbar add prefs for adjust frame and background of drag bar todo context menu on drga bar will be make later v1.32 add test for snapshot pop window only when needed. v1.31 fix some broken notification again (stupid optimisation) add option in bar for need a double click for execute a button. Also added a "anti" double start. v1.30 fix button edit window for external module change impossible, alors fix an other pop list that dosn't work. bump to 1.30 :) v1.21 add tooltype SIMPLE_HELP_BUBBLE for make button bubble show name only v1.20 add new tag for avoid flicking during refresh v1.19 fix stupid bug that trash stak value of buttons v1.18 add shadow transparency adjust (Miky060) v1.17 fix in prefs bar for avoid send invalid font file to ttengine that make hits! v1.16 change "barre" by "bar" for correct english build in language v1.15 try to fix "Endless loop" program exit (pb between autoclose & normal close after execution) v1.14 add "lock bar" in context menu for allow add apps by drag & drop in autoclose bar v1.13 replace old Hook by HookEntry v1.12 fix full path cli cmd :) add code for full path cli cmd for cli start v1.11 add code for full path cli cmd for wbstart add InputBuffered when close a bar v1.10 some optimisations on classes attribs v1.06-08 add auto-close feature v1.05 add background config for eatch bar v1.04 fix bugs