This application is a donationware, please support me if you want have special feature in next version :) Version history: v1.07 (01.01.07) Fix: Appicon date centering false for 1st to 9th of month :) v1.06 (31.12.06) Fix: Appicon setting in icon .info for font not used :( v1.05 (21.12.06) Fix: Some users (aka Henes at least) that use outdated icon.library get no app icon at all. v1.04 (20.12.06) Fix: Now appicon date now change with day :] v1.03 (20.12.06) Fix: AppIcon load realy fall back to default it no png icon library Fix: Double start of orga make bad things on file. :'( v1.02 (13.12.06) Add: button for rebuild dynamic appicon (for test change on tooltype when create one for exemple) v1.01 (13.12.06) New: Month and date on wb icon of the main window :) Add: Tooltypes fro define text on icon. (view icons/ v1.00 (09.12.06) Fix: "Goto" button in diary page, do not have bad background. Fix: Month week column of popup don't refresh when change of month. v0.99 (01.12.06) Add: Bubble help over calendar area that show events of the day. v0.98 (28.11.06) Add: new default icon (work in progress). No more true iconification. v0.97 (23.11.06) Add: Week number on top of diary pages v0.96 (22.11.06) Fix: A contact with no address and no data can cause crash when displayed in repertory v0.95 (20.11.06) Add: Validate only passed events button in alarm win. v0.94 (10.10.06) Add: New locale strings for set alternative text for Tabs and set an other ttf font. v0.93 (10.10.06) Cleanup of unused datas and unneeded data copy in sources. v0.92 (05.10.06) Fix: locale & .cd file, french catalog updated. Fix: Developement bug created in prefs datas. v0.91 (03.10.06) Add: Day of the year in diary. Add: Week number in calendar. Fix (again/again): bug in repeated event with end date. Fix but all work correctly ? v0.90 (30.09.06) Fix: When started at end of semtember, Febrary 2007 was skyped in calendar! v0.89 (23.08.06) Fix (again): Event repeat with until date hide illimited repeat events :'( New: Event have a Start action for execute a program when event popup. v0.88 (04.08.06) Fix: TTEngine 7.2 bug in TextFit() Fix: Hits on AlarmWin when do action on an evnt of the list. v0.87 (15.07.06) Fix: Event with repeat period and an until date, alarm come up after end date. v0.86 (01.07.06) Fix: Read at 0x0 when sort contacts. Change: Max string length for Event title and Task title. v0.85 (10.12.05) Fix: In Task edition, wheel mouse don't change task type Add: now, up and down cursor key can be used for change task type when string gadget is acive Add: add support for wheel mouse and up/down cursor key in Contact data area/string Warning: in task type choice string, when edit name, only "return" save the change (up/down forget change) v0.84 (05.10.05) Fix: Display of contact in conpact mode with "," in texte make stange tings v0.80 (19.03.05) Fix: alarm win, display true date when alarm refer to event that not on the same month/year Fix: now uptodate for new features v0.79 (03.03.05) Fix: Calendar hilight for month/year repeat event was wrong some time Add: Event summary in context menu on calendar and diary (still need some change and finish the locale) Add: Links on contextmenu in calendar v0.78 (02.03.05) Change: WARNING, for a better logical use, the way work the repeat function change, Now an event with a repeat is always single day and EndDate is now a limit for repeat. Change: Add "until" date in event prefs for make better userfriendly understand. Fix: diary fill & calendar fill for repeat events. v0.77 (20.02.05) Change: method for fill the diary (only one pass over the events instread of one by day) v0.76 (20.02.05) Add: Contextmenu on popup calendar title for quick move in months v0.75 (20.02.05) Add: Contextmenu on calendar that show events of the day and allow actions v0.74 (19.02.05) Add: Use bold on the calendar for show days with an event Change: now name are in bold in directory for adress mode and phone number is bold in phone list mode (Lord) Add: Text color for active day in calendar (Lord) v0.73 (17.02.05) Fix: Alarm for an event with time for day/week period now pop up at the time of the event not 0:00 v0.72 (07.02.05) Fix&change: Diary day title now work correctly on startup and add cross month/year v0.71 (05.02.05) Fix: crash with long title in event :( v0.70 (22.01.05) Fix: solve MonthArea day number erase when mouse over with some background v0.69 (21.01.05) Fix: the bug of NumericButton is not one but some tags forced :(((( v0.68 (21.01.05) Change: prefs layout Finish localization. translation in french on last checks. Change: app .info with one of OcineL (thanks a lot to him). v0.67 (30.11.04) Fix: Event note in alarm window show "## error no memory" when not note at all. v0.66 (12.11.04) Fix: now use PROGDIR: instread of currentdir (stuntzi stop cry :P) v0.65 (11.11.04) Fix: Quit app with an Event window open cause crash Fix: Requesters for confirm remove of event/task/contact now display "(no tilte)" instread of trashed data when no title set at all v0.64 (11.11.04) Change: Clic on Day title of Diary now create a new event at that date (like before) Fix: Shift+Tab cycle chain crash on diary page v0.63 (07.11.04) Change: move again arrow for put in in task title, add support for wheel mouse in this area Change: Task Edit now focus on Title text when no title and on Notes when edit it. v0.62 (05.11.04) Change: Task list Numeric changed by PopList with edit. Move caterogy selection on the top of the window. Fix: Try to fix some hits when sort tasks v0.61 (02.11.04) Chnage: use font tiny for month class and font normal for contacts tabs. This allow to reduce min size window. Also remouve "round" for mouse over when there are not enouth space for it. v0.60 (01.11.04) Change: now draw my own draw with same blending as frames, rework Contacts tabs for more be visible. v0.59 (23.10.04) Fix: multiple line not in event trash display in Alarm window (stan) Fix: delete an event not proprely set active day. v0.58 (23.10.04) Change: In calendars, add tint color for Today. v0.57 (21.10.04) Fix: Delete an event don't remove line on screen and do something with this line -> dead :) (stan) v0.56 (20.10.04) Change: now start non iconified by default, use mui Prefs for start it hided. v0.55 (17.10.04) Change: Cleanup Month class area and gfx class for display gfx (use DT now instread of libpng) Add: Colors prefs for month calendars v0.54 (11.10.04) Change: Imporve display of the month area (avoid flicking) Fix: ContactClone dispose set on dead object. v0.53 (09.10.04) Add: Picture in alpha for show day active on Month v0.52 (07.10.04) Remove: Jump to current day when remove an event (Stan) Change: new month class area for speedup refresh and allow more funny effect (mouse over) v0.51 (19.09.04) Fix: Repeat of event now work correctly Fix: Diary mode 1 day/page -> other modes cause Monday not at the right place! Change: use -O3 for compiling :) v0.50 (01.08.04) Add: OpenURL for contacts (in popup menu) v0.49 (22.05.04) Add: clic on title of contact list create an new contact v0.48 (18.05.04) Fix: TaskList class doesn't free context menu during dispose (henes) Change: now search all words of the search string Change: Search button now "normal" (not toggle) Add: Menu search v0.47 (17.05.04) Add: search engine in every class (TODO: multiple work search) Add: Search window v0.46 (10.05.04) Change: Icon display now accept double state png file Fix: Remove event cause crash because event not removed from day list v0.45 (09.05.04) Change: double click on the task list firt column don't change checkbox state anymore Fix: notification on a disposed object when use close window gadget of edit windows v0.44 (09.05.04) Change: rework attachments method for fix undisposed object Add: Link drop now work on the popup list (henes) Fix: fail on a remove link for task & contact because of unleave for() when edit window not open v0.43 (08.05.04) Add: volume adjust for sample Fix: Edition of link doesn't work for contact & event v0.42 (07.05.04) Change: make copy of link list during edit for avoid desyncs v0.41 (05.05.04) Fix: Remove "boken link" in Link_Group crash Add: MUIM_Link_Focus work for Event Fix: cross link add/remove never saved Add: Free cross link when remove event/contact/task ("broken link must not appear anymore) v0.40 (03.05.04) Fix: Color tabs popup are now RGB only Change: InputHandler for notify end play of sound add/remove only when needed Fix: Change ~0L to 0L of NList button for "Link trombone" display correctly Change: Task NList checkmark now work with simple clic :) Add: Cross link added (TODO: update display for lists) Change: now double click on link_group list focus on the event instread of edit it (better ?) Add: MUIM_Link_Focus work for contacts v0.39 (26.04.04) Add: Links appear on context menus Add: Links to Task work. v0.38 (13.04.04) Add: new Links_Group class for handle D&D of event/contact/task Add: Support for Links in Event/Contact/task class including add Link_Group on edit window. v0.37 (12.04.04) Add: IDs count for unique reference between all object type This allow to build link from an Task to Contact etc... Change: Contact now have selected state (for allow D&D entry) Add: Task edit window now receive all kind of D&D for add link (not finish yet) v0.36 (11.04.04) Fix: Task list sort Change: use streaming DT sound play v0.35 (05.04.04) Add: Task names edit in prefs window (new name allow next one) The display in a Nuneric button will change. Change: Double clic on checkmark column of Task list switch state on the other columns it open task edit window Add: App InputBuffered after every window close to allow redraw Change: Today in calendar now displayed ">1<" (subject to change) v0.34 (02.04.04) Add: Dynamic tab generation Add: Sunday background change on calendar & diary (use Page group back) Add: Popmenu with a chose of colors for tabs settings Fix: Bar Button Add Event set day & time for new event v0.33 (30.03.04) Add: Close option choice in prefs Add: Sound config in app prefs with test button Change: move DT sound play from app class to app prefs class. Change: Toolbar change, add "icon" for new event/contact/task, change order name into 2 button that toggle change prefs button by icon one All buttons are temporary get from mac icon collection. Add search button (not active) Add short help on toolbar. Fix: New task don't have current type number v0.32 (29.03.04) Add: Confirm for remove contact Add: Prefs window for global options with button (not gfx now) Remove: Display type on main win (move to Prefs win) Remove: Name order on main win (move to Prefs win) v0.31 (28.03.04) Fix: Task remove when new task created/canceled Fix: Diary jump for +/- month/year work fine now Add: Diary jump Goto... via Month_Group class (calendar) Add: Types (256) of Tasks for sort them by themes (TODO name editing) for Stan :) v0.30 (27.03.04) Add Task v0.27 (06.03.04) Fix: auto delete of event "bug feature" :) */